Thursday, November 27, 2008

OpenSocial's birthday wrap-up: it's good to be one

A little over a week ago, the OpenSocial Foundation celebrated -- along with 250+ close friends -- the one year anniversary of the introduction of OpenSocial. It was a great opportunity for everyone involved to get together and reflect on the past year, brainstorm about what's in store for the next year, and write a bunch of code.

To wrap things up, there were several good sessions:
  • OpenSocial State of the Union [ VIDEO SLIDES ]
  • OpenSocial 0.9 Preview [ VIDEO SLIDES ]
  • Several app developers sharing their experiences and tips
  • Updates from more than a dozen OpenSocial containers
  • Demos of tools available that improve the OpenSocial developer experience
  • Breakout sessions about OpenSocial 0.9, various app architectures, and using OpenSocial "outside" containers
  • The day after, there was also a well-attended deep dive to discuss the prototypes for OpenSocial 0.9
You can find links to all the videos and presentations on the OpenSocial Birthday agenda, and on the OpenSocial Foundation's new YouTube channel.

One of the most exciting pieces of the event was the realization that developers using OpenSocial can now reach more than 600M users across more than 20 sites -- a number that is ever growing (some highlights are featured in the chart below):

In terms of launches during the event, MySpace launched support for OpenSocial v0.8, Xiaonei launched support for OpenSocial to their 30M users in China, and got a fresh new look. In addition, during the past year we've -- collectively -- achieved some other good results:
  • 315M+ app installs
  • 85M+ daily canvas page views
  • 7,500+ applications
  • 20+ live containers
All in all, it was great to get the community together, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone get involved on the wiki, in the spec list, and building apps. Special thanks to RockYou for helping sponsor the party.

... and yes, we even sang "Happy Birthday" to OpenSocial over cake (check out some of the pics below).

(Photo credits: Ben Metcalfe)

[NFGB] Link - from OpenSocial API Blog
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