Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Increased code search coverage, now with Git and Mercurial support

By Ali Pasha

At Google Code search, we've seen distributed version control systems get more popular. Linux has been using one for several years and several large open source projects have migrated to using one in the last few years. In recognition of that, we are now announcing that we crawl Git and Mercurial repositories.

For Git, we now crawl repositories hosted by several public git hosting sites including GitHub and In addition to that, we also crawl Android, Chromium and Linux code.
For Mercurial repositories, we now crawl most popular open source repositories including Mozilla, JDK, and NetBeans.
Finally, we have also extended coverage to support Codeplex: System.ServiceModel

Feel free to provide feedback to let us know how we're doing.
[NFGB] Link - from Google Code Blog
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