Thursday, December 11, 2008

What's ahead for Google Web Toolkit

By Andrew Bowers, Google Web Toolkit Team

A lot of discussion occurs in the Google Web Toolkit contributors forum about development progress, feature requests, and the roadmap. We realize that many of you are very busy and would like to see a simple roadmap on the website, so we've updated "Making GWT Better" with our current plans.

As with any development work, its hard to exactly predict when things will land, so we've stayed away from specific dates and releases past the next one. You'll be happy to know that release 1.6 is well underway and on target for Q1 of 2009.

You can check for future updates in the Making GWT Better section of our website.

Release 1.6

Anticipated Time Frame - Q1 2009

  • New compiled file deployment structure
    • Easily compile into a war file structure, making it easy to deploy your compiled GWT application into standard servlet containers
  • Migration from Tomcat to Jetty hosted mode server
    • A more pluggable architecture for the hosted mode server will enable developers to use servlet containers other than Tomcat with the Hosted Mode browser
  • Uniform event handlers
    • Event handlers will be implemented in a uniform fashion across all widgets, with listeners deprecated
  • DatePicker, LazyPanel migrated in from incubator
    • New widgets from the incubator
  • String performance improvements
    • StringBuilder uses deferred binding to optimize string appends per-browser
  • Compiler performance improvements
    • 1.6 will introduce parallel permutation compilations and other performance tweaks for faster compiles

Post 1.6

The following are features that are on our roadmap for releases post 1.6, but are in various states of development. As we reach the end of the 1.6 cycle, we'll update the roadmap with which features we are targeting for the next release.

  • Developer Guided Code splitting
    • Developer guided code splitting is a mechanism that allows developers to specify asynchronous split points in their code where the code base can be split and downloaded in different chunks. This is currently an R&D project but looks promising.
  • Analysis of compiled code, aka Story of your compile (SOYC)
    • Aims to give developers concrete information about their compiled JavaScript, such as which Java classes are generating the most JavaScript code.
  • In-browser hosted mode, aka Out-of-process Hosted Mode (OOPHM)
    • In-browser hosted mode will allow GWT developers to debug their apps within a browser rather than GWT's hosted mode browser
  • UI Binder
    • The UI Binder will allow the creation of UI elements in a declarative fashion. Watch for UI Binder to land in the GWT incubator soon.
  • Client Bundle
    • Client Bundle implements the power of deferred binding used in Image Bundle in a generic fashion so that it can be used on many resources. These include TextResource, ImageResource, and CSSResource
  • RPC performance improvements
    • Ongoing work to improve the performance of RPC

[NFGB] Link - from Google Web Toolkit Blog
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