Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Launched: Yahoo!'s First Implementation of OpenSocial Support

Today, Yahoo is launching the developer-facing components of the Yahoo! Open Strategy. This includes our first implementation of OpenSocial support via the Yahoo! Application Platform (YAP). With this launch we are giving developers access to Yahoo!'s social data through the OpenSocial JavaScript APIs in the canvas views of their applications. This is a big step for Yahoo! and adds to the success of OpenSocial as the portable way to write social applications on the Web.

This is just the beginning for YAP and OpenSocial. As a founding member of the OpenSocial Foundation, Yahoo! is committed to supporting the complete OpenSocial specification and is working with the community to expand the specification to include OSML and OpenSocial templates. In addition, we are currently implementing a Shindig-based OpenSocial container which will allow us to provide full support for the OpenSocial REST Protocols and thus for Portable Contacts.

As part of our support for OpenSocial's JavaScript API, we are leading the way to a more secure Internet by using the open source Caja technology from Google to ensure the safety of our users. The advantage of this technology is that we can allow applications to go live on Yahoo! without review, thus saving time for our developers to go from code to launch. There may be some things that you wish to do with your applications that are not presently supported by Caja, but we feel that ensuring our user's security will over time help all of us reap rewards. Over time, we will work with the Caja project to ensure that the widest, most secure JavaScript support will be available in our container.

This is all part of a broader release today called Yahoo! Open Strategy (Y!OS) v1.0, through which we are rewiring Yahoo! to create a horizontal social dimension and are making Yahoo! open to developers and publishers like never before — including opening our data and the extensibility of our products.

Today's Y!OS release includes not just our initial release of OpenSocial support via YAP. It also includes the Yahoo! Social Platform (YSP), which is powering our OpenSocial APIs, and access to a new data query interface called Yahoo! Query Language (YQL). We are working with the OpenSocial community to explore standardization of some of these extensions. We invite you to learn more about all of these components at the Yahoo! Developer Network.

The overall rollout of Y!OS will be like rolling thunder across Yahoo! as we head into the next few months and 2009. We will be activating our "social dimension" across Yahoo! by integrating our Social Platform into everything we do. And we'll also continue to open Yahoo! like never before with increased data access and by integrating YAP and OpenSocial into some of the world's most trafficked Web sites, like My Yahoo! and the Yahoo front page at

Yahoo's audience is truly worldwide and our platform is fully internationalized from the beginning, ready for use in 31 countries and growing. We think it's the beginning of an exciting time for Yahoo!, for our users, for open application development, open standards, and for OpenSocial. Check out Yahoo! Developer Network today and stay tuned for more OpenSocial news to come.

Link - from OpenSocial API Blog
Writing OpenSocial code just got easier: introducing the OpenSocial Dev App
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